I will develop hybrid mobile apps using ionic framework
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I will develop hybrid mobile apps using ionic framework

I am an Experienced Cross Platform application Developer (Android / IOS) using IONIC Framework.

I cannot help everybody, but we may be a great fit if you:

Own's a Business and want to get it Automated/Digital

Have an Idea and want someone to help you convert your idea into business

Got Clients/Are a Business Developer and looking for a Development Team to have you back and deliver the best and timely services, so that you can deliver to your clients.

I will Provide:

Complete App Development (From Design to Deployment to Stores)

A Quality Assured Product

Complete Source Code

Unlimited Revisions

Tools and Technologies:


Android Studio | Xcode

Angular | React | Vue

Google Firebase | AWS | Php | Custom API's

Why Choose me?

Quality and Timely work is guaranteed

In house Designers available to produce high quality app designs

In house Quality assurance to provide Regression and Penetration Testing

App Submission to Stores (Free)

Get quick response/support even if there is a time difference

Not be charged for minor modifications/fixes

Zoe Pelletier Inactive

Quebec, Canada

Compare Packages

  • Revisions
  • Delivery time
  • Functional Android app
  • Functional IOS App
  • App Design
  • App submission
  • App icon
  • Splash screen
  • Ad network integration
  • Include source code
  • Charges


  • unlimited
  • Less than a week
  • C$212


  • unlimited
  • Less than a month
  • C$708


  • 1000
  • Less than a month
  • C$1,417