I will write a script for your ad, voiceover, or podcast
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I will write a script for your ad, voiceover, or podcast

Stunning video quality and clear audio can make a difference in your content, but it all starts from a script.

Think of it as the foundations of a building. Without a good script to add strength, the rest will not hold together!

As an experienced writer and voice actor, I can help you with a custom text tailored to your needs and requirements.

The basic offer provides 100 words for $10

I will proofread the content

Commercial rights included at no additional charge

Sarah Morin Inactive

Quebec, Canada

Compare Packages

  • Revisions
  • Delivery time
  • Topic research
  • Content development
  • Charges


  • 1
  • 3 Days
  • C$14


  • 2
  • 3 Days
  • C$63


  • 2
  • 3 Days
  • C$92