I will write your podcast show notes in 24 hours
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I will write your podcast show notes in 24 hours

Step up your podcast game by adding show notes to accompany the episode itself. Including these increases your show's reach and long-term audience retention. My show notes are SEO-optimized to make sure your podcast gets as much exposure as possible to those searching for what your show is all about.

Your show notes might include the following sections (though you're more than welcome to customize your post. Just let me know what you prefer!):

Topics discussed and key points

A few paragraphs summarizing (or teasing) your episode

Your guest's social media links

Outside links


Mariam May Inactive

Quebec, Canada

Compare Packages

  • Revisions
  • Delivery time
  • Up to minutes
  • Charges


  • 1
  • 1 Days
  • 30
  • C$28


  • 2
  • 1 Days
  • 60
  • C$35


  • 2
  • 2 Days
  • 90
  • C$42