I will create a pitch deck presentation for your film concept or TV series idea
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I will create a pitch deck presentation for your film concept or TV series idea

Film-making is a commercial art. Effective pitching of film is as important as the other artistic aspects of it. An well prepared film pitch & show bible can prove to be the single biggest factor in getting it financed.

I'm here to help you with your Film/TV Show PITCH DECK.

I'm a filmmaker myself & I've personally helped hundreds of clients across the globe pitch their Movie & TV show ideas to well known Network Executives & Potential investors successfully. I can put together an amazing Pitch Deck for your Short film, Feature film, TV series, or Reality show idea.

Your Premium Pitch Deck will include: An eye catching ppt presentation with Cover page, Log-line, Synopsis, Character Briefs, Tone, Moodboard, Target Audience, Comparisons in the Genre, etc.

For Basic gig I will design a presentation based on information, copy and pictures that you will provide. However Standard & Premium gigs are recommended where i'll write the slide copy based on your script summary/treatment & also do visual research of similar movies to provide full packaging for your Pitch Deck.

Sophia Brown Inactive

Quebec, Canada

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  • Revisions
  • Delivery time
  • Logline
  • Page count
  • Charges


  • 1
  • Less than a week
  • 5
  • C$177


  • 3
  • Less than a month
  • 10
  • C$248


  • 4
  • Less than a month
  • 14
  • C$319