I will write you amazing podcast content
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I will write you amazing podcast content

Are you looking for a podcast script that will grab attention and keep your listenings holding onto your words?

I write podcast scripts that are engaging and informative. You won't be losing listeners halfway through anymore - and you never need to worry about topics sounding bland!

Topics I tend to write about include (but are not limited to) business/marketing, lifestyle, true crime, and science. Have something else in mind? Send me a message!

Every episode comes complete with:

An engaging episode on the topic of your choice,

Background research to plump the episode,

An error-free script for you to read or speak off of.

Maxime Gagnon Inactive

Quebec, Canada

Compare Packages

  • Revisions
  • Delivery time
  • Topic research
  • Content development
  • Script writing
  • Podcast episode length (minutes)
  • Charges


  • 1
  • Less than a week
  • 15
  • C$85


  • 2
  • Less than a week
  • 30
  • C$156


  • 2
  • Less than a week
  • 60
  • C$269