I will be your discord moderator, manager or set up your server
Hi there! Thanks for your interest in my moderation services. I absolutely love to help you to grow your online Community.
Are you looking for someone who can manage and moderate the chat on the Discord / Telegram server in any NFT projects or any other project? Someone with knowledge, experience, and interest in this space?
Instantly join your server and moderate the chat for whatever timeframe you decide.
I can't wait to meet you all :) Order now so we can get the server lively!
It has been many years since I've been in this space and I have built and managed multiple discord/telegram servers. This experience has taught me the secrets of this field.
NFT | Crypto Altcoins | DAO | DeFi | Community | Gaming
Why me?
1) A good knowledge of managing the community.
2) Discord experience & quality work
3) Sociable person.
4) English native.
Compare Packages
- Revisions
- Delivery time
- New members onboarding
- Member touchpoints/relationship building
- Data analysis
- Community management & engagement
- Content moderation
- New members screening
- Charges