I will write an awesome bio for your website or ebook
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I will write an awesome bio for your website or ebook

Now is your time to shine. Your fifteen minutes of fame. And what better way to do that than a brief biography on your website or eBook?

Shakespeare once wrote that brevity is the soul of wit, and I subscribe to that philosophy. When you go with me, you get twenty-five years of writing experience. I'll take your life story and encapsulate it into those major achievements and life moments that truly show who you are and why you're the best at what you do!

Aiden Cote Inactive

Quebec, Canada

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  • 1
  • Less than a week
  • 500
  • 1
  • C$56


  • 2
  • Less than a week
  • 650
  • 2
  • C$71


  • 3
  • Less than a week
  • 800
  • 3
  • C$99