I will send direct message on instagram and facebook
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I will send direct message on instagram and facebook

Hi, Can you want to promote/growth your services (Blog,product,Social Profile,Social Post, post share and any Information) in Specific people? I will send manually direct message in your target people .

# Who may be the target audience?

Similar services provider / Competitor (Social profile/ group/post link ) DMs

Target profile/group/hashtags (Those who is follow this profile/group, I would collect this username/profile link and send DM )

post link ( Those who will like or comment on your post or any member post like or comment , I will collect this username or profile link and send DM)

Give other source , And target audience list (excel sheet ).

# What I need for you?

I will use my account and send message (So that your account is safe) or if you want to give me your account access, I will use your account

Targeted audience information/ target keywords

Content ( Message text or picture + message text or Linked messages)

Michael Fortin Inactive

Quebec, Canada

Compare Packages

  • Revisions
  • Delivery time
  • Prospects research
  • Partnership & collaborations outreach
  • Action plan
  • Charges


  • 1
  • 3 Days
  • C$14


  • 2
  • Less than a week
  • C$35


  • 4
  • Less than a month
  • C$84