I will be your community manager on telegram, discord, chan marketing
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I will be your community manager on telegram, discord, chan marketing

Are you looking for community manager for telegram and other platforms

Here is the best place for you. We will manage your social media platforms as per your need. Now a days social media is the big power to connect the clients to your business. We know you need community manager because of your busy schedule but that's not a problem. We are here to help you with everything you need. You just need to contact me.


Daily posts

Telegram Management


 Invite Contests (Can be done by me)

 Setting up bot (Invite bots etc) Counting invites etc , Invite catching person/Leaderboard and much more.

 Setting up bot for telegram that can send automated messages and can filter the spam out, Like deleting welcome messages.

 Airdrop bot

 4Chan marketing for your Defi related projects at peak hours.

 Ideas for promo team or CMs

 Setting up Discord rules/channel as well as Telegram ANN/main

Increase engagement

Replying to the comments

Good response rate

Negative comments management

Michael Fortin Inactive

Quebec, Canada

Compare Packages

  • Revisions
  • Delivery time
  • Member touchpoints/relationship building
  • Community management & engagement
  • Content moderation
  • Charges


  • 2
  • Less than a week
  • 0
  • 0
  • C$99


  • 3
  • Less than a week
  • 7
  • 7
  • C$198


  • 8
  • Less than a month
  • 0
  • 0
  • C$254